Kitchen Party (film)

Kitchen Party is a 1997 film written and directed by Gary Burns The Suburbanators. The movie cast a number of thenunknown young Canadian actors, including Scott Speedman, Laura Harris, and Tygh Runyan, and was released on September 8, 1997 at the Toronto Film Festival.

The festivities begin once the parents go off to a party of their own, leaving Scott and his buddy, Wayne Tygh Runyan, with a house that would be entirely empty but for Scotts mysterious brother lurking in the basement.Soon the girls are arriving, including Scotts girlfriend, Tammy Laura Harris whom he plans on bedding before the night is over and alcohol, drugs, music, more people, and everything else that characterizes a stereotypical house party follows. This includes calamity, as Scott quickly discovers just how much can go wrong in one night of kitchen partying. ........

Source: Wikipedia